Ogni Mercoledì orario 18,30 – 20,00

Corso di Yoga in Inglese
con Molly Cofman

Join us beginning Wednesday, January 28, 2015 for a special opportunity to practice with Molly Cofman. 

Classes will be held every Wednesday from 18:30 – 20 :00.

Yoga has been a healing resource for Molly throughout many phases of her life, from being a dancer in Chicago, to now being a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Once she finished medical school, Molly began to pursue her formal training as a yoga instructor in order to share more knowledgeably the beauty of yoga.  She has studied under acclaimed teachers in both the Ashtanga and Anusara traditions and although her teaching is heavily influenced by these two styles, Molly has a unique style of teaching incorporating elements of Chinese Medicine as well as the fluidity of dance. The concept of fluidity is pervasive in Molly’s approach to teaching. There is not any part of life that is static, so naturally studying, exploring and experiencing life through movement makes sense. When we exhibit fluidity, we have the opportunity to ebb and flow, choose calm or excitation, connect with joy and experience clarity.  Molly believes that the stillness that many seek is not lack of movement, but rather an experience of living in which the energy of the body is uninhibited so that we might experience vibrance without chaos.

Info: Tel 338 3824280 mail info@holismos.com